Low birth weight Less than 2500 g (as much as, and together with 2499 g) Very low start weight Less than 1500 g (up to, and including 1499 g) Extremely low birth weight Less than a thousand g (as much as, and together with 999 g) Gestational age the period of gestation is measured from the first day of the final normal menstrual period. Modified Sarnat Criteria Encephalopathy severity Hours from delivery Record severity each hour Record actual time of evaluation and Assessment severity for each sign (n/delicate/mod/s or Criteria N/A) each hour 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h Normal (N) Mild (Mild) Moderate (Mod) Severe (S) Level of Alert/arouses Hyperalert Lethargic Stupor or coma consciousness appropriately Spontaneous Normal or Normal Decreased exercise No exercise exercise elevated Distal flexion, Posture Normal Normal full Decerebrate extension Normal or Hypotonia Tone* Normal elevated in trunk Flaccid (focal or general) and extremities Normal or Suck reflex Normal Weak suck Absent incomplete suck Strong, low Moro reflex Strong Incomplete Moro Absent threshold Pupils deviated/ Pupils equal and Pupils equal and Pupils constricted; dilated/ Autonomic reacting to gentle; reacting to mild; bradycardia or non-reactive; system regular heart price regular coronary heart price periodic/irregular variable coronary heart fee and respirations and respirations respiratory or apnoea *Assess tone in both limbs and trunk/neck. Table three presents numerous therapeutic the marginal gingiva, related to difuse choices prehypertension chest pain <a href=https://gardenkids.edu.do/med/Amlodipine/>amlodipine 10 mg with visa</a>.