Descriptive statistics including mean, median, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis were generated for the main outcome variable; pain score on the VAS for the treatment group and the control group <a href=>generic name for cialis</a> Ototoxic drugs drugs that damage hearing function, including aminoglycoside antibiotics such as amikacin, Garamycin gentamicin, or Bethkis tobramycin Medications that may be potentially nephrotoxic damaging or destructive to the kidneys and bumetanide should not be taken together because diuretics can significantly increase lithium concentration in the body and increase the risk of lithium toxicity Probenecid reduces the excretion of sodium in the urine natriuresis and the high concentration of blood renin levels hyperreninemia produced by bumetanide Antihypertensives medication effects may be increased when taken with bumetanide