
Privacy notice

Our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we use any personal information you provide to us when you use our website or services. We respect your right to privacy and are committed to protecting it. We only collect your personal information in accordance with the current and relevant laws and regulations. By accessing, browsing or otherwise using the Websites you confirm that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy. Please ensure you have read it carefully, and particularly the section detailing your rights in relation to the personal information that we collect about you.

What information we collect about you?

Name and title

Home, billing and delivery Address

Email address

Phone number

Purchase information

Credit and debit card information

Giftcard numbers

Date of birth


Social media details

Comments and reviews

Browsing history

Ip address

Information about your device

When we collect information about you

Browse the website

Register for an account

Subscribe to newsletters

Engage via social media

Enter any competitions

Purchasing products

During any correspondence

How we use information about you

We use your personal information in a number of different ways, depending on the type of information provided. You are under no obligation provide this personal information but if you don't, you may not be able to purchase goods from us.

We use your personal information to:

Provide our services to you

So our website can give you a personalised experience

To manage your account with us

For marketing and marketing research

To verify your identity

So we can interact with you as a customer

To provide third party suppliers with order information

When required to by law

How we share data about you

In order to make certain services available to you, we may need to share your personal data with some of our service partners. These include web, third party product suppliers, delivery and marketing service providers. We are also under obligation to share your information if requested by law, to excercise our own legal rights and for the prevention and detection of crime.


If you visit our websites, you may receive personalised banner advertisements whilst browsing other websites. Any banner advertisements you see will relate to products you have viewed whilst browsing our website.

How long do we keep data?

We'll hold on to your information for as long as you have your account with us, or as long as is needed for us to be able to provide the relevant goods or services to you. Our general retention policy is to retain information for 6 years. In some circumstances, such as to meet our legal or regulatory obligations, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions, we may hold on to your personal information after we’ve finished providing services to you, or for longer than our general retention policy.

Your rights over data

You have the right to ask for a copy of personal data that we hold about you (the right of access);

You have the right (in certain circumstances) to request that we delete personal data held on you; where we no longer have any legal reason to retain it (the right of erasure or to be forgotten);

You have the right to ask us to update and correct any out-of-date or incorrect personal data that we hold about you (the right of rectification);

You have the right to opt out of any marketing communications that we may send you and to object to us using / holding your personal data if we have no legitimate reasons to do so (the right to object);

You have the right (in certain circumstances) to ask us to ‘restrict processing of data’; which means that we would need to secure and retain the data for your benefit but not otherwise use it (the right to restrict processing);

You have the right (in certain circumstances) to ask us to supply you with some of the personal data we hold about you in a structured machine-readable format and/or to provide a copy of the data in such a format to another organisation (the right to data portability).


Please see our cookie policy here.

Contact us

Please contact us here.